Camiel Van Breedam
°1936 | Belgium
There is a great variety in the nature of his works: assemblages, collages, reliefs, objects, sculptures, constructions and environments.
That diversity/multiplicity is also noticeable in his choice of materials: wood, paper and metals are the basic materials. But they are materials that have been used before, that have been manipulated (remainders, surpluses, waste) and have acquired a patina in the process, materials that already “had a life of their own”.
Moreover the subjects and sources of inspiration are diverse as well: his father’s plumber workshop, the region of
the river Rupel and the brickyards, the sea, nature, the Indian, the 1920s and 30s, the Russian avant-garde, Bauhaus, ethnic art, New Orleans music and preferred artists such as a.o. Paul Klee, Chaïm Soutine, Joseph Cornell, Oskar Schlemmer, Georges Vantongerloo. And finally dreams, nightmares and RED.
His social involvement provides the red thread and the binding element.